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Join RoyaltyRange at TP Minds Australia

November 15, 2021

RoyaltyRange is proud to sponsor the leading transfer pricing digital conference – TP Minds Australia, which will be taking place on the November 9-10, 2021. As an Associate Partner, we will be presenting Royalty Rates and Private Company Financials Database. You are welcome to join our presentation on 9 November, 12:50 pm (AEST (UTC/GMT +11).

The event will share insights and best practice advice on the latest TP challenges affecting the region. Conference attendees will have a chance to join over 120 senior international tax and transfer pricing professionals, policy makers and most accomplished specialist advisors.

The conference will cover a wide variety of topics. This includes, but is not limited to, how to build the perfect transfer pricing plan, global perspective on transfer pricing, operational TP and tax function transformation, the future of tax disputes in Australia, managing TP audits and documentation, practical considerations for Financials Transactions in Transfer pricing. In addition to this, the conference will give the attendees the opportunity to join conference panellists as they explore the recent developments and flow-on consequences of the OECD Pillar Two – the introduction of a global minimum tax rate that countries want to use to protect their tax bases. Attendees will also have the chance to hear from the UN, ATO, OECD and New Zealand Tax Authority and more on the latest COVID-19 updates per tax jurisdiction as well as global transfer pricing trends affecting the South Pacific region.

Visit our virtual booth and find out how can we help you successfully manage your transfer pricing projects.

Reach out to us if you are interested in attending the event, as an Associate Partner, we are delighted to offer a 50% discount on your registration. Contact us at and get your promo code.

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