Terms and Conditions
Please read these terms and conditions carefully. By using our website and services you agree unconditionally to the following.
These terms and conditions apply to all users of the website, whether they are registered or not.
All the content of this website, including the information contained in the database, is the copyright and legal property of the owner of RoyaltyRange. It includes the information provided to the user via the website, e-mail or in any other form.
The information received by the website user is only for the user’s own use. It is prohibited to use this information in a way which could create or supplement products or services in competition to products or services offered by RoyaltyRange. Information contained in the website and database cannot be commercially exploited without the express consent of RoyaltyRange.
The overall set of comparability factors and the form of the presentation was specifically developed by RoyaltyRange and is the intellectual property of RoyaltyRange. It is strictly prohibited to use the overall set of comparability factors and the form of the presentation or any part of it for competitive products or services.
Users of the website must provide true and accurate information when registering with the website and using the website. In case any information of the registered user changes, appropriate amendments in the client profile should be made to reflect these changes.
The user has to pay in order to receive the full selected data. Pricing of RoyaltyRange services is presented with respect to each service separately in the ˈOur servicesˈ section on the RoyaltyRange website. The user will receive all the purchased data in a digital delivery form. If the user is unable to complete a download successfully, RoyaltyRange will transfer the purchased data in other ways, e.g. via e-mail.
Although RoyaltyRange uses its expertise to evaluate the information analysed, due to the following facts RoyaltyRange cannot guarantee the accuracy and consistency of information contained in the website and database: (i) all information is extracted from public sources and RoyaltyRange does not independently validate such information; (ii) some parts of information is created through a subjective analysis, therefore RoyaltyRange gives no warranty for the accuracy of such information. In reference to this, RoyaltyRange makes no refunds for purchased data.
In no event will RoyaltyRange be liable for the delayed delivery of information. RoyaltyRange shall not be liable for any damages, loss of revenue, lost sales and/or goodwill in connection with the information.
Additional rights and obligations of the website user and RoyaltyRange may be contained in the agreement presented to the user prior to the purchase of RoyaltyRange products or services.
Please also read our Privacy policy, which can be found on the RoyaltyRange website.

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