- Transaction type
- Transaction description
- Lender
- Borrower
- Borrower’s industry
- Borrower’s location
- Borrower’s credit rating
- Amount
- Base currency
- Optional currencies
- Term of the agreement
- Maturity date
- Tenor
- Interest rate types
- LIBOR margin
- LIBOR base
- Base rate margin
- Base rate
- Eurodollar margin
- Eurodollar base rate
- Other margins
- Other base rates
- Fixed rate
- Facility fee rate
- Compensation details
- Collateral
- Early repayment option
- Repayment terms
- Late payment interest
- Other details
Loan Rates Database

Our loan interest rates database provides you with:
- Premier-quality financial transactions data that is compliant with the OECD’s guidelines and US Treas. Reg. §1.482.
- 2015–2024 third-party loan agreements that have been analyzed for 30 comparability factors.
- In-depth overviews of credit ratings, financing terms, currencies, interest rates, fees, collateral, repayment terms and other comparability factors.
Our subscriptions ensure that you can access high-quality loan interest rate comparables data for transfer pricing purposes and a wide range of other functions, including financial transaction benchmarking and international tax, assurance and legal applications.
Subscription plans
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Data comparability factors
- Borrower’s credit ratings
- S&P
- Agreement date
- Maturity date
- Borrowing currency
- Amount
- Borrower’s location
- Collateral
- Early repayment option
- Interest rate type
- Type of transaction
- Margin/fixed rate
- Keywords
- Industry
- Industry classification – NACE
- Industry classification – SIC