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Let‘s meet at TP Minds Americas 2024

January 15, 2024

RoyaltyRange is thrilled to remind, you that TP Minds Americas 2024 is approaching soon. The event will take place on 8-9 February 2024 at the Fontainebleau, Miami Beach, Florida. Technical workshops will be available on 7 February 2024.

One of the biggest Transfer Pricing events is the perfect place to meet the World’s Transfer Pricing professionals. Take your opportunity to join global Transfer Pricing leaders to understand the direction of international tax policy reform, benchmark your TP strategies, identify new risk areas, and mitigate controversy. You can expect exclusive insights, case studies, debates, unique workshops, on-stage interviews, interesting chats, and countless opportunities to learn from the best.

You can meet our team members Geomar UriasLukas Balciunas, and Anna Vadeike at the RoyaltyRange booth.

Geomar Urias is our Transfer Pricing professional with great experience in Tax Administration Services (SAT). He is a Head of Account Management at RoyaltyRange. Geomar takes care of our clients located in the Latin American region and provides innovative Transfer Pricing solutions.

Lukas Balciunas is our Senior Manager. He holds a Master’s degree in European law from Radboud University (the Netherlands). He has great experience and has been working in our company for more than a decade. Lukas has already built a reputation for providing high-quality data-driven solutions for clients. He created an automated Royalty Rates Benchmarking Tool in our platform.

Anna Vadeike is a Senior Manager. She holds a Master’s degree in international and European Union Law, and has focused her academic interests on the legal aspects of Transfer Pricing. She has extensive experience in providing the highest quality solutions and services for BIG4 and consulting companies worldwide. Anna plays a key role in developing the company’s client portfolio.

Let‘s meet at our booth at Fontainebleau, Miami Beach, Florida on 7-9 February 2024, and discuss possibilities and solutions for TP professionals. We will introduce our newest Companies database for CPM and TNMM benchmarking studies.

We could provide you with a 50% discount on your entrance ticket. Please feel free to send us a request for a promo code via

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