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RoyaltyRange at TP Minds International

June 15, 2022

With the TPMinds Australia successfully opening the summer season, we are happy to announce our attendance to the biggest transfer pricing event in the TPMinds family. TPMinds International will take place on 13 – 16 of June at the Hilton Bankside Hotel in London.

The world’s largest gathering of transfer pricing specialists. Featuring in-house TP leaders, top specialist advisers and the leading policy makers reshaping the International Tax landscape. 4 days of exclusive case studies, interviews, panel discussions, Oxford-style debates, workshops & the best live networking opportunities in the industry.

With more than 500 attendees from all over the world & 100 key speakers from leading TP units. The event will cover all “Must-know” as well as emerging topics in transfer pricing including: Status of OECD Pillar 1 project, Pillar 2 & global minimum taxation, supply chains post-pandemic, advanced operational transfer pricing strategies and many more.

Our long-lasting partnership with TPMinds events family gives us the unique possibility to take part in this industry leading forum. With the responsibility of constantly learning & improving, our team of experts will gladly give you a thorough walkthrough of our newest, industry leading solutions for transfer pricing and compliance. Book your tickets now and let’s meet on 14th of June in London.

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