TPMinds West Coast forum starts next week
November 15, 2023

We are happy to share, that TP Minds West Coast forum starts next week. RoyaltyRange is a proud sponsor of the upcoming event which takes place at Hyatt Regency, San Francisco on 5 – 6 December 2023.
The event unites transfer pricing leaders of the region to discuss and exchange insights about the international tax landscape. For two days, more than 150 participants including corporations, tax administrations, and leading advisors, the latest insights into the policy and technical developments challenging in-house professionals at this leading transfer pricing forum.
We are keen to introduce our newest Company Financials Database for TNMM and CPM benchmarking studies. Built for comparables searches, it lets you find relevant detailed financials from comparable companies while saving time and achieving a higher-quality TNMM and CPM analysis. The database is created by TP experts. The data is collected from company registries from different countries. You can get easy access to global financial data, and ownership information from over 100 million companies in a way that is specifically tailored to transfer pricing.
Don’t miss the opportunity to visit our booth and meet RoyaltyRange Managing Partner Kris (Kęstutis) Rudzika, coming from Vancouver, Canada. He has extensive experience in transfer pricing. That is a perfect chance to discuss the possibilities of our Company Financials database with Kęstutis and our team.
Let’s meet at TP Minds West Coast in San Francisco on 5 – 6 December 2023.