Company Financials database for TNMM & CPM benchmarking studies
March 15, 2024

Meet our Company Financials database for TNMM & CPM benchmarking studies. The database was specially designed to support your Transfer Pricing analysis. Do not waste your time and resources – precisely search, choose your parameters, and get reliable results. Our targeted search capabilities ensure you can pinpoint the most proper financial data with ease, enabling you to perform a higher-quality benchmarking analysis in a fraction of the time.
It is a sophisticated Transfer Pricing tool accurately designed to simplify and optimize your workflow. It is a seamless, streamlined experience.
Relevant data
Our Company Financials database is specifically designed to support your Transfer Pricing analysis. Built for TNMM comparables searches, it lets you find relevant detailed financials from comparable companies while saving time and achieving a higher-quality TNMM & CPM analysis.
With targeted Transfer Pricing search capabilities, you get easy access to global financial data from over 100 million companies in a way that is specifically tailored to Transfer Pricing.
Access to big variety of features and parameters
With our database, you get access to:
- Detailed financials, including P&L, balance sheet and financial ratios
- Rich data, including COGS, gross profit, FTE, and inventories
- Built-in TP tool for a quick TNMM analysis
- 65 filters for transfer pricing search
- Direct and indirect ownership information and filters
- Efficient keyword search and keyword suggestions
- NACE/SIC activity code search
- Company website addresses and detailed company descriptions
- Transfer Pricing ratio filtering, e.g. Berry ratio
- Visual ownership charts showing connected entities, with the ability to click each entity to review it in detail
- Original company filings for download
- Export options with different views and formats
Intuitive interface, easy-to-use access to data
Our database interface is fast, consistent, and easy to use. Built specifically for Transfer Pricing searches, the search process follows the TNMM& CPM benchmarking process logic.
Each company’s information is presented in a clear and structured manner through intuitive tabs, ensuring easy navigation and comprehension. For better user experience we incorporate clickable visual charts wherever applicable, simplifying the review process and facilitating deeper analysis. With our interface, accessing and interpreting vital financial data has never been more straightforward or efficient.
Flexible download formats
The database is designed for a convenient experience and easy compatibility with the usual working environment. You can download the company, financials, ownership data, and calculated financial ratios in two Excel formats – structured and list view.
You can also download original company filings and other documents in their original format.
Visual connection and ownership charts can be downloaded in pictures, Excel, or CSV formats.
Subscription options and support
We offer weekly or yearly subscription access to suit your needs. All options include unlimited access to the database, as well as live phone or chat support. Your subscription can incorporate any combination of our Transfer Pricing databases and tools to suit your projects.
Want to see if our Company Financials database is right for your organization? A demo is available here.