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DEMPE analytics tool

October 15, 2023

Preparation of a DEMPE functional analysis can be a lengthy, complex process. You need to take into account many different factors to accurately determine the relative contribution of group entities to the Development, Enhancement, Maintenance, Protection and Exploitation of intangibles. Our quick and easy-to-use DEMPE functional analysis tool makes it so much simpler.

Perform the analysis more efficiently

The tool helps you perform the analysis more efficiently by carrying out real-time calculations and showing you (as a percentage) how much each entity within your organization contributes to the profit-generating value of a given intangible. This means you can simply and accurately determine what proportion of the resulting income each group entity is entitled to.

A clear breakdown of the information you need

Our DEMPE analytics tool consists of several standardized input tables, which you complete with the necessary information. You save time by answering a standard set of questions, while the tool takes care of the process of estimation and calculation. To make the tool even more user-friendly, the tables are pre-populated with sample data from an example scenario so you know exactly how to use the product.

Intuitive controls

RoyaltyRange DEMPE analytics tool is built to be intuitive. Each input table has a set of instructions outlining what you need to do and explaining how to use it.

How the tool works?

  • Enter your data to the fully adjustable tool
  • Add profit drivers and their estimated contribution to the supply chain profits
  • Start by using our example or build up from scratch
  • Add DEMPE functions and their relative contribution
  • View your real time results and generate reports

Our DEMPE analytics tool is a quick and easy way to get data for your functional analysis. It takes complex calculations off your hands and provides you with accurate, insightful results.

Request free trial here and start using the DEMPE analytics tool today.

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