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Flashback to the TP Minds West Coast event

December 15, 2023

The TPMinds West Coast 2023 event was a resounding success, bringing together transfer pricing leaders from across the region to discuss and exchange insights about the evolving international tax landscape. The event, held at Hyatt Regency San Francisco on December 5-6, 2023, featured a packed agenda of sessions, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. It is an important event for transfer pricing professionals and tax leaders of the region, where they have a great opportunity to discuss and exchange insights about the international tax landscape. The RoyaltyRange team was thrilled to meet friends, colleagues, and partners and to make new connections at the prestigious TP Minds West Coast event.

Key takeaways from the forum

The Big Push for Transparency: Participants explored the implications of the increased focus on transfer pricing transparency, including the impact of the OECD’s Inclusive Framework on BEPS Pillar 1 and Pillar 2.

BEPS Pillar 1: Implications and Scope of Amount B: Experts delved into the complexities of Amount B, the allocation of profits to market jurisdictions under BEPS Pillar 1, and the challenges of ensuring consistent and accurate application.

BEPS Pillar 2, GloBE Rules, and Their Implementation: The forum focused on the implementation of the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules, including the design and operation of the Undertaxed Profits Rule (UTPR) and the Income Inclusion Rule (IIR).

Managing Global TP Controversies: Participants shared lessons learned from recent U.S. transfer pricing cases and discussed strategies for navigating cross-border disputes.

TP and Global Mobility: Experts explored the challenges of managing transfer pricing in a world of increasingly mobile workforces and remote work arrangements.

Challenges and Best Practices of Operational TP: The forum addressed practical issues in operational transfer pricing, such as the allocation of overhead costs and the valuation of shared services.

Audits and Agreements with Tax Authorities: Participants discussed strategies for preparing for and responding to transfer pricing audits, as well as negotiating settlements with tax authorities.

Transfer Pricing Across the Globe: Experts provided insights into transfer pricing practices in specific jurisdictions, including Brazil, the UK, Australia, Canada, and Mexico.

Managing Intra-Group Financing and Treasury Functions: The forum explored the unique challenges of transfer pricing in intra-group financing and treasury functions.

Overall assessment

The TPMinds West Coast 2023 forum provided a valuable opportunity for transfer pricing professionals to stay informed about the latest developments in the global tax landscape and to network with colleagues from across the region. The event was well-attended and well-received, with participants expressing appreciation for the quality of the content and the engaging format of the sessions. The organizers, Informa Connect, did outstanding work in putting together such an informative and engaging event.

We are delighted to be a part of this event and show our support for the entire Transfer Pricing community. We express our appreciation for warm interactions, insightful chats and discussions, and the chance to establish new connections.

It was a great opportunity to introduce our newest Company Financials Database for TNMM and CPM benchmarking studies. Built for comparables searches, it lets you find relevant detailed financials from comparable companies while saving time and achieving a higher-quality TNMM and CPM analysis.

We are looking forward to the next TP Minds Events!

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