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Intellectual property royalty rate database

Get access to our unlimited self-search subscription module and perform searches in the most convenient way. Our user-friendly intuitive interface with flexible search options enables you to tailor the search strategy to your specific needs.


Subscription plans

The RoyaltyRange Subscription access allows unlimited self-search in our database.

  • 1 year access to download an unlimited number of agreements;
  • 1week access to download an unlimited number of agreements;


Subscription access to the database allows you to:

  • Perform as many searches as needed for your projects.
  • Customise and refine your search strategy to your specific requirements.
  • Find the most relevant data.

All subscription plans include interactive live training on how to use our database. This web-based walk-through training is performed by our consultants at your convenience upon your request.

Your subscription module account will also contain a detailed step-by-step user guide to help you get the best out of the RoyaltyRange database.

During the subscription term, ‎unlimited telephone and online LiveChat support is available. Please feel free to contact us immediately to discuss the search strategies applied, results obtained, and best practices.

Multi-country and white label enterprise options are available upon request.

We look forward to your subscription.

Interested in our services? Click here for more information and to request access to the RoyaltyRange database.


Request One Search

We will perform the search and deliver the initial results within hours, at no cost.

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