International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications
February 16, 2019

RoyaltyRange is one of the founders and early contributors of the INATBA (International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications), along with IBM, Accenture, SAP, SWIFT and many others. The creation of INATBA was facilitated by the EU Commission. Organizations like OECD, UN, World Bank also joined the association.
The main goal of INATBA is to promote the implementation of blockchain technology by developing a predictable, transparent and trust-based global structure. The organization launched in April 2019 with the signing ceremony which included a keynote speech from the European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel and remarks from Director-General Roberto Viola. The INATBA declaration and member names, including RoyaltyRange, were hashed on several distributed ledgers to officially launch the organization.
Association outlined four objectives for its activities:
- Maintaining an ongoing and constructive dialogue with the public authorities and regulating entities
- Promoting an open, transparent and inclusive global management model for blockchain and other distributed ledger infrastructures
- Supporting the development of trustworthy, traceable, user-centric digital services
- Developing sector-specific frameworks for blockchain and DLT applications in specific sectors
Now the association is calling for other organizations to join industry leaders in this new movement to accelerate the development of reliable blockchain based solutions.