Patent box – benchmarking studies

Kris (Kestutis) Rudzika |
June 16, 2016
RoyaltyRange is pleased to provide a benchmarking study service, which offers an in-depth comparison of publicly available licence agreements and royalty rates in order to determine an arm‘s length (market) royalty rate range for your specific products or services.

The data provided by the RoyaltyRange benchmarking study may be used for:
- Ensuring transfer pricing compliance;
- Setting reasonable royalty rates;
- Negotiation of licence agreements;
- Intellectual property valuation;
- Consulting.
All agreements are manually analysed, rejected or selected, so that the final set consists only of agreements with the most comparable licensing terms. We use these agreements to conduct a Comparable Uncontrolled Price (CUP) analysis in order to calculate a royalty rate range that complies with the arm’s length principle, i.e. any royalty rate within this range is deemed to be at market rate.
Why RoyaltyRange?
- The licence agreement database is constantly updated with the newest transactions and consists of agreements which were typically concluded between unrelated parties and cover worldwide territory or the European region. This ensures that the data in our database reflects recent market practices.
- The agreements which make up the database have disclosed royalty rates in percentages.
- RoyaltyRange data is compliant with the OECD BEPS measures and the upcoming EU Anti Tax Avoidance Package.
- The RoyaltyRange team will finalise the whole process within several working days.
Interested in our services? Click here to read more and to place your request.