Royalties by industry: Ready-Made reports

Greta Eberson |
October 14, 2024
Whether you are looking for technology patents, licensing in entertainment, or trademarks in retail, finding relevant royalty data across various industries can sometimes be a prolonged process. To simplify it, we have prepared Ready-made reports for the most requested sectors, which offer immediate access to royalty data, helping you save time and make informed decisions with ease.
What Are Ready-Made reports?
Since introducing One-Search services, we have noticed a pattern in Transfer Pricing inquiries concerning the most popular industries, types of Intellectual Property, and similar. While traditional search methods often involve a time-consuming and complex process of manually configuring search parameters, filtering through extensive databases, and analyzing the results, our Ready-made reports simplify this process by offering pre-made and industry-specific data sets available for review and download directly through our website.
Key features:
- Pre-Configured reports: Ready-made reports are compiled based on specific industries, products, or types of royalty transactions, making it easier to choose the most relevant set of results for your project.
- Scope: The reports cover a wide range of industries, from specific products to broader sectors such as agriculture, communications, finance, medical, and other areas. The global territorial coverage adds another layer of comparability resulting in a wide spectrum of data to meet various Transfer Pricing needs and regional documentation.
- Comprehensive data: Each of our manually prepared royalty rate reports contains details of up to 50 comparability factors, including, but not limited to types of intellectual property, exclusivity descriptions, agreement dates, DEMPE functional analysis, and remuneration information. In addition, the original documents are provided in both PDF and online formats.
- Time Efficiency: Using pre-configured searches allows focusing more on comparability analysis rather than on data gathering. The provided descriptions contribute to the decision-making in terms of industry comparability.
- Accuracy and Reliability: RoyaltyRange’s data is known for its accuracy, and the ready-made searches leverage this reliable data to provide high-quality results. Additionally, the full reports grant you access to the original agreements and supplementary documents in both PDF and online format.
Diverse usage opportunities
You can use our royalty rate reports for tax, Transfer Pricing, valuation, legal, Patent Box, purchase price allocation (PPA), benchmarking, and other purposes. We have already analyzed the license agreements for you, enabling you to conduct your analysis quickly and efficiently.
In summary, navigating the complexities of royalty data across various industries can be time-consuming, but Ready-Made Reports simplify this process. Tailored to the most prominent sectors and built on accurate, comprehensive data, these reports offer immediate access to industry-specific royalty information, therefore you can save valuable time, focus on analysis, and ensure accuracy in your decisions. With extensive global coverage and a wide range of usage applications, our Ready-Made Reports are an essential resource for efficient and reliable royalty benchmarking.
You can easily select and review our ready-made reports here.
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