Subscription access

Kris (Kestutis) Rudzika |
January 9, 2016
Get access to our unlimited self-search subscription module and perform searches in the most convenient way. Our user-friendly intuitive interface with flexible search options enables you to tailor the search strategy to your specific needs.

The RoyaltyRange subscription module allows unlimited self-search with an unrestricted number of downloadable agreement reports for our selected customers. This service offers 24/7 access with greater flexibility when performing a search, as you can try various criteria and approaches to help you arrive at the optimal strategy for your particular project.
The 6-month and 1-year subscription plans allow you to download an unlimited number of full reports.
Alternatively, for more limited availability, you can choose a subscription plan with a download limit of 100 agreements. You may find this option attractive, as, although access to the downloading of agreements is limited, the time within which you use this function is not.
Interested in our services? Click here to read more and to place your request.