Transfer pricing documentation

Kris (Kestutis) Rudzika |
June 15, 2016
RoyaltyRange provides services for the transfer pricing compliance and reporting, patent box application and valuation purposes. Our premier quality data and services are used by leading multinational enterprises, global consulting companies, international law firms, government authorities and universities. For selected clients we also prepare full OECD compliant transfer pricing documentation package for licencing transactions.

Following the guidance of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines, our transfer pricing documentation includes the following analyses:
- Industry analysis
- Group and company analysis
- Description of the covered transaction
- Functional analysis
- Selection of method
- Benchmarking study
- Financial analysis
The transfer pricing documentation can be prepared in the Master file and Local file format in accordance with the OECD BEPS Action 13 requirements.
We provide a fee quote upon request and based on information received. We price our transfer pricing documentation services based on estimated work and time required to provide the highest quality service and also in view of building the long term client relationship. We believe that the pricing for all RoyaltyRange services is fair and competitive.
Please contact us for more details and a fee quote.
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