Five panels you need to see at TP Minds International
March 15, 2019

We are happy to announce that RoyaltyRange is a partner of TP Minds International– the most prominent transfer pricing event of the year. Our team just came back from TP Minds Americas and we have a few insider recommendations on what panels and discussions should be on your agenda. We compiled a list of five talks that are worth your time.
The Role of the Arm’s Length Principle Post BEPS
Transfer pricing professionals will try to define where we are in relation to the future of the Arm’s Length Principle. This discussion will examine the role of the arm’s length principle in the current international tax environment post BEPS, and discuss some of the interactions that are becoming more notable with other areas of international taxation.
Countdown to Brexit – What Next for Supply Chains and TP
The day when the United Kingdom has to leave the Europian Union will come shortly after the conference itself and there are still an exhausting amount of unanswered questions and practical dilemmas. This session will try to outline what steps should business owners take to prepare for Brexit and how this reshaping of free trade agreements will impact transfer pricing.
Tax Transformation & Technology – Setting Your Vision for the Future of the Tax Department
The rise of the digital revolution hasn’t passed the tax world. This panel will be about digitalization of tax processes from a tax payers’ perspective, the challenges of digitaliztion and finding reliable technology besides increasing transparency and improving efficiency.
Benchmarking and Valuation of Intangibles
This discussion will highlight the challenges of valuating intangibles. Panellists will share their practical examples “HTVI approach” and why it is important to consider DEMPE contributions because one-sided transfer pricing may no longer be enough in post-BEPS world.
Value Chain Analysis – Telling a Group’s Value Creation Story
In this panel George Georgiev SIEMENS Transfer Pricing Senior Director and Paul Daly Transfer Pricing Partner at BDO will share a case study why it is important to understand value chain while performing transfer pricing analysis. For more practical help RoyaltyRange team developed a DEMPE analytics tool which makes calculating which parties perform DEMPE functions relating to the value of profit-driving intangibles easy and intuitive.