Find the latest medical device royalty rates

Kris (Kestutis) Rudzika |
November 15, 2019

Find the latest medical device royalty rates
Imagine having real, up-to-date medical device royalty rates instantly. In just a few minutes, you could be looking at the latest royalty rates for medical devices and applying them to the licensing agreement or transfer pricing analysis you’re conducting. With our readymade royalty rate reports and benchmarking studies, you can instantly download medical device royalty rates from our site.
We have readymade royalty rate reports on:
- Mobility and ambulatory aids
- Syringes
- Robotic technology and lasers
- Orthoses
- Pregnancy tests
- Dental instruments
- 3D x-ray imaging
Ready to order? Use the box on the right to download a readymade royalty rate report.
We also have a readymade medical royalties benchmarking study on:
- Drugs and medical devices in the fields of gynecology, dermatology, pneumology, gastroenterology, proctology and urology
Want to download it now? Use the readymade One Search box on the right.
Or, if you can’t find the data you need in our readymade options, we can produce a tailored royalty rates report or benchmarking study for you.
Average medical device royalty rates
When it comes to finding average medical device royalty rates, it’s not as simple as saying that a certain medical device has an average royalty rate of say 5%. This is because medical royalty rates are affected by a huge number of factors, including the strength and status of the patent, the uniqueness of the product, whether premium or discounted rates are normal in the market, and the product’s stage of development. If the same medical device receives wildly different royalty rates in different markets, then this is going to skew the average, making it less accurate for your analysis.
The most reliable way to find average medical device royalty rates is to use a royalty rates database. You either need to conduct an analysis yourself to find up-to-date averages, or you can order a benchmarking study, where all this analysis is done for you. These studies compare relevant agreements for licensing medical devices and find the median and interquartile range.
At RoyaltyRange, we offer two types of benchmarking studies. You can either tell us your search criteria and we’ll produce a tailored benchmarking study based on that, or you can buy our readymade medical benchmarking study, which is available for instant download on the right.
Calculating royalties for licensing medical devices
One of the most popular approach for estimating fair royalty rates for medical devices is the comparable uncontrolled pricing method. This involves basing your royalty rates on the rates charged in comparable agreements in the market. In order to do this successfully, you need to make sure that the third-party agreements you refer to are comparable with your circumstances of your medical device.
At RoyaltyRange, we’re experts in analyzing license agreements for comparability, and check all our data against more than 50 comparability factors. This means that, because you tell us your search criteria, you’ll only receive results that are potentially comparable with your agreement. You simply need to check the results and you’ll have data that is suitable for using in your analysis.
For more information on this, see our blog on how royalties are calculated.
Setting transfer pricing for medical devices
If you’re carrying out a transfer pricing analysis for a transaction involving a patented medical device, you can use our data to conduct the comparable uncontrolled price (CUP) method.
The CUP is the most direct and reliable way of applying the arm’s length principle, according to the OECD. But it is only direct and reliable if you have high-quality comparables data to draw on. To use the CUP method, you need to refer to the medical device royalty rates charged in comparable uncontrolled transactions in order to set arm’s length (market) transfer pricing for your transaction.
As RoyaltyRange data is taken from real third-party license agreements and analyzed against 50 comparability factors, it is commonly used by transfer pricing professionals using the CUP method.
For more information on this, see our blog on the CUP method of transfer pricing.
Save time and be more efficient
If you’re still wondering whether you should use RoyaltyRange for your licensing or transfer pricing project, just think of all the time you’ll save. Rather than analyzing countless lengthy, complex license agreements and extracting all the important details yourself, let us do it for you. In just a few hours (or minutes with our readymade reports), you’ll have an easy-to-read report of license agreements that are relevant to your search and comparable to the transaction you’re analyzing.
Not only that, but you’ll know that the data you’re using is taken from real license agreements between independent entities in the medical industry, and that it’s recent, up to date and clean.
Find medical device royalty rates now
With our reliable, up-to-date data on medical device royalty rates, your analysis is guaranteed to be quicker, easier and more accurate. Simply choose from the options on the right to get started.
Request One Search
We will perform the search and deliver the initial results within hours, at no cost.