Royalty rate database free samples

Kris (Kestutis) Rudzika |
November 15, 2019

When you use the RoyaltyRange database, you get access to some of our data at no cost. This is because we want you to feel sure that you’ve found the right data before you pay for it. We also want you to be happy with the style and format of our royalty rate reports before you invest in one. As such, we offer various opportunities to preview our data and download report samples for free.
On this page, you’ll find information about the previews and samples you can download for free.
With RoyaltyRange, you can do the following at no cost and with no obligation to buy:
- View the results of your bespoke royalty rates search
- Preview our readymade One Search reports
- Preview our readymade benchmarking studies
Read on to find out more about the royalty rate database free samples you can get.
View the results of your royalty rates search for free
One of our most popular services is One Search. This lets you access our database on a one-off basis, without a subscription. This is how it works: you tell us what royalty rates you need; our experts perform the search on your behalf; and we put the results into an easy-to-read report.
All of this is done at no cost to you. You are able to preview the royalty rates report for free, and see which license agreements we have included. For the purposes of the preview, some of the data (including the royalty rates) is undisclosed. These will be revealed if you buy the report.
For the full report, including license agreements and royalty rates, the cost is just €600 (+VAT).
Preview our readymade One Search reports at no cost
We also offer readymade One Search reports. These are similar to our One Search royalty rate reports (see above), but they are pre-prepared and ready to download. We have created a number of readymade reports to show you real royalty rates in particular industries and product categories. Unlike our regular One Search reports, you cannot tailor these – just download them as they are.
You can download free previews of our reports in Excel before you choose which one to buy. You will not be able to see the actual royalty rates set in the agreements until you pay for the full report.
Our fully disclosed readymade One Search reports cost €600 (+VAT) each.
Preview our readymade benchmarking studies for free
Another RoyaltyRange product you can preview for free is our readymade benchmarking studies. These offer an in-depth comparison of royalty rates in particular industries and product categories. They include an analysis of the minimum, maximum and median royalty rates, as well as the quartiles and interquartile range. These studies are pre-prepared and ready to download.
You can download previews of our benchmarking studies in Excel before you buy. For the purposes of the preview, the royalty rates are undisclosed. They are revealed if you buy.
Our fully disclosed readymade benchmarking studies cost €1,000 (+VAT) each.
Get high-quality data at affordable prices
So, there you are: just some of the royalty rate database free samples you get with RoyaltyRange.
Of course, it’s well worth buying the full reports to get the most out of the data – especially those all-important royalty rates. With prices as low as €600 (+VAT) to access the latest royalty rates data, we truly believe in providing you with high-quality data that is reliable and cost-effective.
To start your royalties search, go to the bottom of this page, where you’ll find our search forms.
Request One Search
We will perform the search and deliver the initial results within hours, at no cost.