About RoyaltyRange’s company financials database for transfer pricing TNMM comparables searches
October 15, 2021

Wondering what our company financials database entails?
Our database is specifically built for transfer pricing TNMM comparables searches.
This makes it is quicker, easier and more efficient than ever for organizations to find and review comparable company data for the purpose of a TNMM transfer pricing analysis.
Here’s a small selection of what the database provides access to:
- Global data from more than 30 million private and public companies
- Detailed financial information, such as P&L, balance sheet and financial ratios
- 65 convenient search filters relevant to transfer pricing
- Company ownership and connections information
- Rich data, such as COGS, gross profit, FTE and inventories
Kris (Kestutis) Rudzika, Managing Partner at RoyaltyRange, says: “We have been investing heavily in our Company Financials Database. Our team has spent years developing an easy-to-use, intuitive, world-class product that follows strict transfer pricing requirements. The information is procured from official sources, such as company registers, so the data is extensive, deep and rich.”
The company financials database is available as a yearly or multi-year subscription.
You may also be interested in RoyaltyRange’s sales and marketing database and procurement and compliance database.
Want to try the company financials database for free?
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We will perform the search and deliver the initial results within hours, at no cost.